package JSON::RPC::Dispatch; use strict; use JSON::RPC::Constants qw(:all); use JSON::RPC::Parser; use JSON::RPC::Procedure; use Router::Simple; use Scalar::Util; use Try::Tiny; use Class::Accessor::Lite rw => [ qw( coder handlers parser prefix router ) ] ; sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = bless { handlers => {}, @args, }, $class; if (! $self->{coder}) { require JSON; $self->{coder} = JSON->new->utf8; } if (! $self->{parser}) { $self->{parser} = JSON::RPC::Parser->new( coder => $self->coder ) } if (! $self->{router}) { $self->{router} = Router::Simple->new; } return $self; } sub guess_handler_class { my ($self, $klass) = @_; my $prefix = $self->prefix || ''; return "$prefix\::$klass"; } sub construct_handler { my ($self, $klass) = @_; my $handler = $self->handlers->{ $klass }; if (! $handler) { eval "require $klass"; die if $@; $handler = $klass->new(); $self->handlers->{$klass} = $handler; } return $handler; } sub get_handler { my ($self, $klass) = @_; if ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $klass )){ if (JSONRPC_DEBUG > 1) { warn "Handler is already object : $klass"; } return $klass; } if ($klass !~ s/^\+//) { $klass = $self->guess_handler_class( $klass ); } my $handler = $self->construct_handler( $klass ); if (JSONRPC_DEBUG > 1) { warn "$klass -> $handler"; } return $handler; } sub handle_psgi { my ($self, $req, @args) = @_; if ( ! Scalar::Util::blessed($req) ) { # assume it's a PSGI hash require Plack::Request; $req = Plack::Request->new($req); } my $is_batch = 0; my @response; my $procedures; try { $procedures = $self->parser->construct_from_req( $req ); if (ref $procedures eq 'ARRAY') { $is_batch = 1; } else { $procedures = [$procedures]; } if (@$procedures <= 0 || not defined $procedures->[0]) { $is_batch = 0; push @response, { error => { code => RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, message => "Could not find any procedures" } }; } } catch { my $e = $_; if (JSONRPC_DEBUG) { warn "error while creating jsonrpc request: $e"; } if ($e =~ /Invalid parameter/) { push @response, { error => { code => RPC_INVALID_PARAMS, message => "Invalid parameters", } }; } elsif ( $e =~ /parse error/ ) { push @response, { error => { code => RPC_PARSE_ERROR, message => "Failed to parse json", } }; } else { push @response, { error => { code => RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, message => $e } } } }; my $router = $self->router; foreach my $procedure (@$procedures) { if ( ! $procedure->{method} ) { my $message = "Procedure name not given"; if (JSONRPC_DEBUG) { warn $message; } push @response, { error => { code => RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, message => $message, } }; next; } my $is_notification = defined $procedure->jsonrpc && $procedure->jsonrpc eq '2.0' && !$procedure->has_id; my $matched = $router->match( $procedure->{method} ); if (! $matched) { my $message = "Procedure '$procedure->{method}' not found"; if (JSONRPC_DEBUG) { warn $message; } if (!$is_notification) { # must not respond to a valid JSON-RPC notification push @response, { error => { code => RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, message => $message, } }; } next; } my $action = $matched->{action}; try { my ($ip, $ua); if (JSONRPC_DEBUG > 1) { warn "Procedure '$procedure->{method}' maps to action $action"; $ip = $req->address || 'N/A'; $ua = $req->user_agent || 'N/A'; } my $params = $procedure->params; my $handler = $self->get_handler( $matched->{handler} ); my $code = $handler->can( $action ); if (! $code) { if ( JSONRPC_DEBUG ) { warn "[INFO] handler $handler does not implement method $action!."; } die "Internal Error"; } my $result = $code->( $handler, $procedure->params, $procedure, @args ); if (JSONRPC_DEBUG) { warn "[INFO] action=$action " . "params=[" . (ref $params ? $self->{coder}->encode($params) : $params) . "] ret=" . (ref $result ? $self->{coder}->encode($result) : $result) . " IP=$ip UA=$ua"; } # respond unless we are sure a procedure is a notification if (!$is_notification) { push @response, { jsonrpc => '2.0', result => $result, id => $procedure->id, }; } } catch { my $e = $_; if (JSONRPC_DEBUG) { warn "Error while executing $action: $e"; } # can't respond to notifications even in case of errors if (!$is_notification) { my $error = {code => RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR} ; if (ref $e eq "HASH") { $error->{message} = $e->{message}, $error->{data} = $e->{data}, } else { $error->{message} = $e, } push @response, { jsonrpc => '2.0', id => $procedure->id, error => $error, }; } }; } my $res; if (scalar @response) { $res = $req->new_response(200); $res->content_type( 'application/json; charset=utf8' ); $res->body( $self->coder->encode( ($is_batch) ? \@response : $response[0] ) ); return $res->finalize; } else { # no content $res = $req->new_response(204); } return $res->finalize; } no Try::Tiny; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME JSON::RPC::Dispatch - Dispatch JSON RPC Requests To Handlers =head1 SYNOPSIS use JSON::RPC::Dispatch; my $router = Router::Simple->new; # or use Router::Simple::Declare $router->connect( method_name => { handler => $class_name_or_instance, action => $method_name_to_invoke ); my $dispatch = JSON::RPC::Dispatch->new( router => $router ); sub psgi_app { $dispatch->handle_psgi( $env ); } =head1 DESCRIPTION See docs in L for details =cut